Last night, I had my first-ever sip of Diesel. Diesel is the widely-reviled popular German drink that involves an equal mixture of beer and coke. Actually, it tasted just like root beer and didn’t offend at all. This taste experience posed two unsettling questions: (1) What exactly is root beer, anyway? and (2) What if it’s not as distinctive as we imagine it to be?
Dan, you have failed me. — The End.
I haven’t been here in AGES. Hi!!! You’re still alive! I must have sensed this post of yours somewhere in my subconscious because I JUST had the same experience. But with Pimm’s cup no.1.
“It’s like root beer!” I exclaimed, to my friend Allison’s horror (so lowbrow, I am).
I like root beer as much as the next guy, but there must be something undefined about the taste that makes us compare everything unfamiliar and cola-like to it in a squealing falsetto voice (“OMG, it’s just like root beer!!”)
Yes! You’re right. I’m pretty sure I did squeal.
So far your theory checks out.